The Best Whale Watching Spots Nova Scotia

The Best Whale Watching Spots Nova Scotia

Whale watching is an exciting experience that creates lasting memories. Around the world there are several whales watching spots that are better than others and Nova Scotia is one of them. Nova Scotia is very popular among tourist coming to catch a glimpse of the ocean’s many wonders. Made up of several Islands and Bays, Nova Scotia is visited by a wide variety of whales, and home to various species of seabirds each year, making it a first choice stop for whale enthusiasts from around the world.

The most popular locations for whale watching adventures in Nova Scotia are the Bay of Fundy and the Northern Cape Breton. The whale watching season begins in the spring and runs through late fall, giving you ample time to plan a trip to one of these captivating spots to see truly magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. During the whale watching season each year, many whales are sighted including the blue, minke, fin, humpback, sei, and pilot whales. Also, commonly seen are dolphins and porpoises. Below are some of the best whale watching spots in Nova Scotia.

Brier Island – Bay of Fundy

With the whale watching season running from June to October and the possibility of seeing upwards of 300 whales at a time, the Bay of Fundy is one of the best whale watching spots in Nova. There are few places as amazing as this for whale sightings. Common spots are Digby and the Brier Island, and you are likely to sight humpback whales, minke whales, blue whales, pilot whales, killer whales, and finback whales. This should most definitely be your first spot when whale watching in Nova Scotia.

Cabot Trail – Cape Breton

Another one of Nova Scotia’s great whale watching destinations is Cabot Trail in Cape Breton. A great spot to watch from is the Pleasant Bay or Ingonish, and you are likely to see minke whales, pilot whales, and sometimes humpback whales.


On the southern shores of Nova Scotia, Lunenburg offers whale watchers the exciting opportunity of sighting the giants that occupy the oceans. With the whale watching season running from May to October, you are likely to catch the fin whales, humpback whales, minke whales, puffins, dolphins, turtles and more.


Long Island – Bay of Fundy

Located on the Bay of Fundy, tours during the summer months give whale watchers a chance to see humpback whales, sei whales, right whales, fin whales, minke whales, and blue whales. Also common are white-sided dolphins, harbour porpoise, grey seals, common dolphins, harbour seals and a great variety of seabirds.


Halifax is another popular stop for tourists. Apart from the beautiful ocean views, you get to see various species of fin whales and minke whales, seals, dolphins, tuna, sunfish, and seabirds. Due to the large number of tourists that flock to Nova Scotia each, it is better to make reservations ahead of your visit. With advance planning you are more than likely going to be impressed with your whale watching experience in Nova Scotia.


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